Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hepi sweet 18th gurl!nera nera nera

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budak ini pny bday!
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happy birthdy to u x2
happy birthday to nera!!
happy birthday to you!

makcik,beso dh kau
18 nye 18++
eh i wish u pnjg umo!
soe if ade iqah wt slh n nyusah kn nera b4 tis
soe r ade kacau bilau hdp nera
but u still in my otak
u like my baju ok!
xdop baju naked lah sy
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selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini :))

hello there :)
bulan rmadhan dh nk hbs ni :)
2 days more
on sunday we gonna celebrate hari raya aidilfitri

nop.not ready yet..
ntah xde mood nk raye.
tis year xbest sgt raye.
tp alhamdulillah syukur yg parent i sibling i.grandpa n grandma belah papa n mama msh pnjg umur tis year
n 2 tahun dh beraye ngn si dia ;)) ehem2
tahun ni baju tempah awal2 lg
dua pasang je
high heels xbeli lg..tshirt xbeli lg..jeans xbeli lg..
so how?
last minute baru beli
buat kalut sikit tahun ni

oh bf saya dh beli semua kecuali kasut an syg?
xpe today kite jln2 eh

mlm ni g ecm tgk2 brg
with nera n him surely
nera sure shopping hbs!

to all muslim n muslimah;
berpuasa lah sebelum kau dipuasakan
i said;selamat menyambut bulan yg mulia ini n hope korg hepi menyambutnye

mylovestory :)

it's begun with myspace :)
truth is i do not know bout him firstly.
ye mmg kiteorg satu state..but xpnh jmp :) weirdo
kuantan bkn besar pon
xtahu r sape usha sape dlu ^_^
then mula2 main2 je..ceceh..then xtahu mcm mn leh melekat sampai skg
yela,dia kire femes r dlm kalangan mmbe pmpan n laki.
ckp je name dia sure knl
slalu i tny kwn cm tuh lah
tp ade gok yg xknl dia
but it's better people doesnt know him than know him
cz ??? i sorg tahu
tp sifat dia mmg jns cpl ngn pmpan lama kot.
cz dgn ex dia 1year somthing lah
tp dlm 1year something tuh dia mybe dh usha rmai gurl!
seriously damn
cz termasuk i sekali okeyh :)
i cpl ngn dia then bole dia ckp 'soe u,i still cpl ngn my gf n nk clash dh'
i fine with it then dia clash jg..


now we being together 2year something ;)
alhamdulillah , dia berubah n he admit it
dia mengaku yg dgn i dia change lah
oh mmg!.. rmai pelik ngn hbgn kiteorg bile ade org npk i jln ngn bf n dgn my parent sekali
ye..truth is parent i n parent dia spoting ok
diorg kinda restu hbgn ni
cehceh :)


kiteorg kalau gduh sumpah teruk!
i r teruk, dia biase je
i slalu nagis :( wtf ?
pecah rekod baru ni i slap his faces til his cermin mata bengkok u know
tp dia xmrh
syg kamu

end ;whatever u talking crapbout us we juz ignore it
talk to your own hands~!

some of our pic :)
enjoy it

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menjadi ulat buku

first i exam paper bm 1 & 2..
bm okeyh2 jelah
paling risau math n ekonomi asas
damn!hurgh..mse tuh nk pecah otak
eko.asas bhgian b xsiap hbs cz mse test kjp sgt..tkt failed :((
if exam biase xpe..but ni exam trial spm!
tido pon xckup :( tdo pkul 2 am..then b4 sleep ingt balik bnd2 yg dh bace n hafal
pastu bgn sahur,tgh mkn pon study gk..
then gosok bju skola pas hbs mkn sahur
then tdo balik dlm 30minit nk rest bdn
then g skola jwb exam ntah pape..
gosh!pnt2//but today i'm free yey!
exam i dh bole spendtime ngn gemukkuh! :))
tgu true spm nnt je lah :)
wish me do well n luck n all yg ambik spm nnt i wish u gudluck so :)
hope taun ni rmai dpt good result than last year!
so after tis kne study hard n jd ulat buku :))


being a teenager surely r nk rmbut tukar kn
so year after year saya ubahkn rmbut :)

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:) oh tgk phone lama dh.. :))

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:) buat curly damn shit je!kembang doe!huk2 ;((

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:) dh lurus balek :))

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:) time nih wt rmbut fringe :) mke childish hbs :((

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:) rmbut pnjg balik then

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:) ntah cmne ade idea nk wt skg rmai lak wt rmbut senget dpn :))pastu dh pngjg then dh serabut saya potong pendek :))

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ni lah this year pny dh pikir :))

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nur+binti=saya org beragama ISLAM
SYAFIQAH=xtahu maksud ;|
20.11.92 at 12++afternoon=dilahirkn :)) yey!
kuantan specialist=hspital terdekat dr rmh yg sy dilahirkn ;)
sperm papa+ovary mama=wujudnye sy :)) gosh thanx
ellysya+nazmie=adikberadik kesygan ;0
school+sosial=meet my crazyness friends!
tat's all